For Global Release: With the ability to shut-in on a full flowing blowout in milliseconds, K-BOS provides a dramatic improvement in emergency response time to secure the well, especially compared to capping stack solutions that can take up to 20 days to deploy. Securing the well more quickly allows oil company and government teams more time to develop contingency options and remediation plans thus reducing the response time requirements for capping stack, well re-entry, and stand-by relief well resources. In many applications, this can reduce costs versus traditional alternatives and in all cases provides a dramatic reduction or avoidance of consequential toxic spills to the environment.
- Cost effective alternative to non-vertical access options/
- Potential to reduce costs for cap/contain equipment
- Asset protection for multi-well platform
Shown above: A bow-tie diagram showing the top event as a blowout or loss of well control. The red rectangle highlights that emergency response provisions are on the costly, high consequence side of the bowtie. The yellow rectangle shows how the K-BOS can be used to reduce the likelihood of a loss of well control and therefore reduce the required response time for emergency response equipment and infrastructure.
- Remote areas
- Environmentally sensitive areas
- Non-vertical Access (e.g. gas plume)
- Multi-well platform
Shown above: A high-flow gas well blowout in shallow water can result in a situation where vertical access over the wellhead is not possible due to the high risk of hydrocarbons in the area. Among the available alternatives, the K-BOS is both practical and cost effective.